For anyone who knows me... knows that I LOVE the idea of being classy- for my roommates they know classiness is next to godliness and Audrey Hepburn is the epitome of class. In fact, I have a HUGE Audrey Hepburn canvas in my house and we joke that I ask her if she approves of my outfit. *(jokes on them... i actually do)
This morning we were asked to look at the armor of God (found in Ephesians 6:10-20). "Read over it and see which piece God wants you to put on" was the assignment... I sat and thought... it took a while. The things that stuck out though was the belt of truth *(the very first thing you need to put other wise ya lose your undergarments) and the second was feet fitted with the readiness of the gospel of peace (I saw myself putting on my marathon running shoes- shoes that would carry me far and FAST- but once i laced them up I realized that these shoes were shoes of peace and that i wasn't running anywhere but that God was calling me to be ready but be peaceful- to be calm- to rely on Him). I shared with the group that I felt the word truth was for today and the feet was message that God wanted to teach me over time... This statement could not have been truer.
Truth Played out:
*(written today)
Looking back on that day I can see moments where TRUTH became visible to me.
- After the morning prayer time we had a session where we spent time talking about being attentive to listening to God's voice; in it we wrote a note as if it were written from God. It consisted of a promise from the Bible, a sentence explaining it, and a salutation. I wrote mine expecting it to be a note written to me. Instead, we were told to pass it 3 people down. When i received mine it said this "
Dear Child,
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart"
I AM GOD- I do not lie.
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart"
I AM GOD- I do not lie.
- We spent the evening session talking about spiritual warfare. Typically when those things are discussed it's focus is on the weird things that can happen. Instead we talked about how at the root of spiritual warfare is the struggle between a Truth and a Lie. That when lies take over they become truth to us and deceive us. We spent time asking God what lies we believe about ourselves and what truths we need to be filled with. I started listening to my typical thoughts- thoughts that I thought were truth, but in reality were a lie. Thoughts that told me "I'm not good enough" or that "I need to prove myself to others", "That I need to live up expectations of others". As i wrote these lies down I couldn't believe how much of a truth they became to me. We wrote them down and pinned them to a cross. I remember wanting to to get rid of them, I felt sick thinking that I had believed them. But each time I wrote something down I wanted to keep the lie- I liked the comfort of it, I liked how I had a way to order my life, I like how I had rules to follow... but now that they were written down and I was freed of it I had no cover. I needed to start filling my life up with truth and cover myself in that- i needed new "rules"; ones that didn't hurt me or keep me down. Instead i needed truth to define my life- but this is a long process... and so the Truth telling begins.