Saturday, July 2, 2011

Welcome to the GEEK FLEET!

I would like to formally welcome you to the media team I'll be traveling to Thailand with...
other wise known as "The Geek Fleet!"
(left- Rachel, Kyle, Geri, John, and moi)
Now clearly there is an explanation to the outfit, the name, and the ridiculous faces we are making... The short story is that we are about to head off to 3hours of Square Dancing... the long answer begins with a crazy night of brainstorming: including a discussion about the A Team; a story board with slow-mo action shot and pocket protectors; a trip out to the local MCC store; time spent teasing hair, pulling up socks, and wearing high wasted pants... all leading up to the grand unavailing of our "team look" as we gathered to square dace. To be honest... it was an AMAZING experience... one i would do again in a heartbeat, outfit and all! And we were actually really good at it- no big deal!
Now wait till you get to see us and our team in action... video coming soon to a blog post near you!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Action 101

Welcome to ACTION time! I arrived yesterday and now it is GAME ON! All the teams have arrived and the first few moments of awkwardness have officially happened. I must admit, I'm not a fan of watching people trying to make conversation and figure each other out- it is kind of like watching a fish out of water, or a train-wreck about to take place, or better yet- James Franko and Anne Hathaway host the Oscars (click here to see what i mean!). But I need to give everyone props for trying and laughing at peoples jokes and funny stories *(especially those that laughed at mine).
I have loved just watching and being an observer... even if that does make me sound kinda creepy. It's nice because... well... you get to understand who people are right now, knowing that in a short 6 weeks time they are going to experience some crazy life changing stuff- stuff that will shape who they will become for years down the road- and stuff that will impact others.
Personally, I'm looking forward to how I'm going to change- not that I'm implying that I'm an unstable person- but that I know and expect God to show me very different things on this trip and will expect me to rely on Him more than what I think I have to offer. Having said that, I've come to a few realizations already...
1. I need to sit and be still more- I feel like I have ADD and need to run around to make me feel like I have purpose... or at least not waiting time- and I know that I miss out on a lot of moments because I don't S-L-O-W down!
2. Leading from the background isn't glamorous, but it is important... I need to work on that.
3. Loudness is useful, but it isn't always a Godly virtue- however, wisdom on when to be loud is... I need wisdom.
4. I love driving into the USA and their wonderful selection of random combinations of pop flavours- specifically Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry, or a great substitute Diet Cherry Coke!
5. My team is super gifted and talented... and can't wait to see what is created through this eclectic group of people! Dearest Team... great things will happen this summer.
6. I need to sleep more and eat less... THERE IS SO MUCH FOOD - ALL THE TIME- Welcome to Menno Vill!
7. When God moment happen in times you least expect them, and they are the ones that bless the most- #iheartworshipingthroughalens


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Exam*in this!

So today is the last full day of life before we are off to the ACTION adventure. In the long list of "TO DO's" today which all neeeeed to get done are...
1. try to study because you have 2 final exams back to back
2. get distracted while studying
3. return a bunch of stuff you bought but now are thinking won't work when you are in thailand- even if it is a super cute purse.
4. pick up stuff that still is from your first Thai shopping list
5. eat everything in the fridge so it won't go bad
6. write my exams
7. Drop stuff off at people's houses and try to limit the visiting time... who's kidding who- i'll be there for hours!
8. one last night with the roomies.
9. start packing
10. maybe sleep for an hour or two.

This is life today....
Hopefully I'll survive.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I Didn't...

My mind is going into overdrive with list after list of things to do... from packing, to finishing things, to cleaning, to my "remember you still neeeeed to..."... and on and on it goes. My head could explode if i'm not careful!
In the franticness *(yes it's a word) of things to do I was reminded to start with the important (like getting shots and buying Imodium) then for all the things that don't get done and life still goes on then its 100% a-ok I never got around to doing it!
Oh how i love the TO Don't list!

Goodness moment: having coffee/ running errands/ Costco shopping with people so that you can do what needs to get done while still enjoying company- I like to call this a "living life" date... and it is my FAVORITE thing to do! Thanks to those who joined me today!!! I'm blessed!